Friday, 4 September 2015

The 3rd of September worldwide is knows as Sky Scraper Day - a day dedicated to the amazing works of architecture called well, Sky Scrapers. I realized Nigeria is nowhere near Hong Kong -the Sky Scraper capital of the world, but we’ve had our own form of architecture. Credit has to be given to the Benin Kingdom, for preserving their history as much as they could.

While we have in ancient times, had some of our own architectural marvels, looting during the colonial era, poor maintenance and general neglect may undoubtedly have had played a part in these either been destroyed or barely existing. 

I thought about it and I figured while we may have lost some of these beautiful works, something which we have and cannot be taken or lost are the customs and traditions of our people which are passed down from generation to generation via word of mouth. Most of these have largely remained unchanged, although some may have been modified thanks to westernization and distortion.

I did some research on the subject and decided to take it further by speaking about it on my radio show to get more responses and increase the amount of beliefs (largely taboos) I was able to dig up ( BTW it's on Cool FM PH 1am - 5am)
  • According to the people from Idemili & Njaba (Eastern Nigeria) it is taboo to kill a python as they are seen as messengers of the gods.
  • According to the Tiv’s (Benue State) it is taboo for a female to cross over the spot where a dog died, as she would become barren. 
  • The Ikwerre's (Rivers State) state it is a taboo to have sex on the floor or a farm.
  • According to the Eshans (Edo State) Couples should not have sex at noon, as this would result in them having an albino child.
  • According to the Ibo’s Kola nuts are not served at funerals, as Kola is a symbol of life and not death. Women on periods are also not allowed to serve Kola nuts.
  • In Ekpeye land (Rivers State) it is taboo for women to women to go fishing.
  • Listener says in Ibo land, Suicide is a taboo and the family of the deceased must pay the penalty, and no one attends the burial.
  • In Okrika (Rivers State) a person with injury, crippled or blind will not be buried in the ground. He or she is thrown into the Swamps. Same applies for persons suspected of being witches.
  • According to the Yoruba's Yams must not be kicked as the culprit will become lame.
    According to Yoruba legend, Yam was once a man, hence it should be respected.
  • According to the Idoma's (Benue State) when a king dies, it’s a taboo to mourn at the funeral.
  • In Igala land, (Kogi State) it is forbidden for a woman to kill an animal. It is also wrong for a woman to go to the King's palace without tying a wrapper. (I had to tie a wrapper over my jeans)
  • According to the Urhobo's (Delta State) it is forbidden to split fire wood at night when the moon is full, as the person could become a statue. 
  • According to the Hausa's a man may not eat in the home of his wife’s parents and they may not eat in his home, as it will prevent his wife from bearing children.
Looking at some of the laws, there may be a reason why some of the laws are put in place.  Like with the Ikwerre tradition of not having sex on the floor or farm, chances are most likely, sex on a farm (far away in the bush) might actually be rape and that law may have been put in place to discourage that. a prime location for rape has to be the lonely farm paths, far away from domestic communal dwellings. 

Having sex at noon in pre colonial times may have been seen as laziness, as one would expect that a man would be at his farm working or fishing, while the wife should be cooking and taking care of the children. 

Kings in Africa are often seen as close counterparts of gods and mourning their death may make them seem more like a mortal being - which in a way could reduce the power they exert over their people. 

In the Ekpeye Kingdom where women are discouraged from fishing, it could be as a result of women being seen as weaker than men and not being able to withstand the turbulent seas. Same applies to killing of animals in Igala land (I think this may be related to hunting)

Splitting firewood at night in the dark is a sure way to injury and this may have been put in place to discourage injury, as well as a woman cooking too late at night for her family. 
Yams are respected food in Nigeria, as they are expensive, were used as legal tender and also easily bruise.  A bruised yam will spoil faster and that of course would lead to waste.  

What taboos exist in your hometown? Are they enforced? 
What are your thoughts?

Friday, 28 August 2015

Want to study in the UK with a part scholarship?

Study in the heart of London at London School of Commerce (LSC) on a partial scholarship for West African students. Students from other regions of Africa also qualify for discounts.

We offer foundation, MSC, MBA and DBA degrees with top affiliated universities as the awardingbody. Contact Kelechi on +447538963144 or for more info.

The website is

October intake is now available!

Message from Zibby :

Spread the word please as someone may need this info.
And yes,I have known Kelechi Personally for way over 20 years and this is 100% genuine.


Saturday, 15 August 2015

We meet people all the time, like all the time. Some we know we probably don't care much for, some we know have a spark, and some well just don't really make much of an impression. I think from the first time, we have an idea of what group that person falls in.

Sometimes God sends someone into your life at a certain time when you need them. Maybe you don't even need them. But when things unfold, you get that "Ah" moment, when everything suddenly becomes clear. And then you start to wonder at how amazing God is. And how he is the master planner. How the dots connect, to form the big picture.

That person you met could potentially be the dot at a very important spot on that diagram. Or a piece of the puzzle. But all in all, that person's presence makes things different. It could be different in a positive way or even negatively, but as with every situation in life, there is a lesson to be learned.

Regarding this article, it's all positive (so far) thankfully :)

I was inspired to write this by a friend - actually kinda family - i didn't know I had. Hahaha I know it's funny but that's for another day.

But the lesson is "Everything happens for a reason. Even the most random insignificant things. We don't always know it but God does. And he reveals it - at the right time, when you can understand. 

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Eze Goes To School by Onuora Nzekwu & Michael Crowder (1966)

As a child I always loved reading. My dad always spoke about a book called Eze Goes To School and when I finally got a copy as a child, I was so excited. I read the book and absolutely loved it. It always remained on my mind.

I saw a tweet from Rio Ferdinand some time last year asking for books he could get for his children. I suggested Eze Goes To School. And it got me thinking; my dad was an adult and yet loved that book so much. Maybe I should read it again, through an adult’s eyes and see if I felt the same way.
I went to a bookshop and I must say I was disappointed that there was not a huge selection of the African titles I had read as a child and loved. 

In fact while I was at secondary school (FGC PH) I would sneak to the library and spend hours reading the African literature books there. I say sneak cos when you are in the in crowd, no one wants to see you at the library (LOL)

Reading the book I was amazed, as literally 50 years after that book was written, things have not changed much. In fact we can say they have gone slightly worse. 50 years! Some things stood out to me and if I try to write them in-depth, we probably would not have enough space. So I’ve decided to outline issues raised - then and now:

The Adi family are relatively comfortable, they have all they need with Okonkwo Adi (Eze’s father0 a successful farmer and his mother assisting with small gardening and selling of products in the market. However all this changes after Eze’s father dies, and the family start to live in relative poverty.
It is inferred that Ulu is married off to a soldier, due to the poverty they were living in.

Lack of education
Eze’s father while illiterate knows about the importance of education. On the way to school for the first time, the women chide Eze’s mother for letting him go to school despite his father’s wishes.  That is a reflection of their illiteracy and ignorance. Amazingly in 2015, there are still a lot of people who are opposed to a formal education.  Some of these people have gone the extreme route to abduct and kill innocent children in schools to scare parents and discourage a western education.

Child marriage
Eze’s older sisterUlu is given out in marriage to a soldier who lives in Northern Nigeria. While Ulu’s age is not specified in this book, it is assumed she is a few years older than Eze. At the start of the book, Eze is 7 years old. Considering family planning was not exactly known in that time in the village of Ahia, it’s probable she may have been about 10 years old. At the time she gets married, it’s about 3 or 4 years after Eze starts school, putting her age at about 13 or 14. In Nigeria and certain other parts of Africa and Asia, children are still being forced into marriages. Sadly all over the world, children are still victims of child abuse by pedophiles.

Gender inequality
Gender inequality is shown in this book so many times.  Eze’s sister Ulu who is a few years older than him is never sent to school as she is “a girl”. The only girl in the school at Ama – Chinwe faces a lot of discrimination. She is only sent to school as her parents had been to the big city and had seen the benefits of an n educated child, especially as she was an only child. If Chinwe’s parents had a son, chances are Chinwe may not have had the privilege to be educated.

Even Okonkwo Adi, Eze’s father warns Eze to never be beaten in his schoolwork by a girl. Amazing thing is Eze did not seem to think of Chinwe as any different, until his father had that conversation with him.  It proves that children are indeed influenced by the words and actions of the adults around them. In the book, Eze’s mother is not ever called by her name. Unlike the other characters. Even Ulu is named. 

Eze’s mother not being addressed by name could be a reflection of the perceived insignificance of females in the era. However this could be a deliberate act by the authors, to highlight the turmoil she faces as a woman who is not listened to by her in-laws.  It could also be a writing style similar to that of the main character in Ayi Kwei Armah’s the Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born, with the main character referred to as “The Man”.

Not much has changed in 60 years regarding gender equality. While there are some perks of being a woman, in Africa women still face exactly the same battles Eze’s mother, Chinwe and Ulu fight.

In-law interference
60 years ago, widows were victimized in Nigeria. Eze’s mother loses all her husband’s property after they were misused,wasted and seized by her in-laws. Despite her protests against the extravagance and worry for her children’s future, she was ignored, abused and ostracized by her husband’s brothers, except Old Chike.

Even when she had to seek their assistance to pay Eze’s fees, his family refused to offer any help. While some did it cos they truly did not care for education, some others like Iwe refused to help for selfish reasons.  Iwe had hoped his own son would be the first child to finish from school in the Ahia community and saw Eze as a threat to his ambition.

With the African tradition of the bride price being accepted on behalf of the family by the males only, Same Iwe had to stand in as the male figure in the Adi’s family when Ulu got married. Hence, he seized the entire amount received from Ulu’s husband which could have helped to alleviate the suffering of Eze and his mother.

In 2015, a lot of women still go through the in-law interference in marriages. In Nigeria, there are no laws protecting women from in-laws carting away property and money after the death of the husband. in fact, in-laws are known to cause problems in families with their intrusion, even when the husband is living. A poll I conducted on twitter a year ago concluded that 70% of marital problems in Nigeria are due to in-law interference.

Eze Adi and his colleagues from Ama were bullied seriously when they arrived at the township school in Ama. They were regarded as “bush” by the township pupils. However regardless of where they came from, they would have been tested anyways. It has almost become acceptable that new children in school face some sort of discrimination and bullying when they start school. It happened in the 1950s and it is still happening now.
It is not acceptable and should be discouraged, Interestingly, Eze himself becomes a bully, as when he is back home from Mr. Okafor’s house, he bullies and beats up the children of his uncles whom he deems responsible for his suffering. Eze was a victim, as much as his little cousins were.

Child Slavery/Abuse
Eze had to work hard to assist with the payment for his school fees. Included selling oranges he had gathered in the market, setting traps for animals and eventually writing letters for illiterate villagers. Now back then it may not have been considered child abuse, but in 2015 it is considered a form of child abuse, especially when the child is so young and should be in school.

Eze was 8 years old when he began to work actively to pay his fees. In a traditional setting (then and now) because of lower risks, it may be allowed to stand. But in an urban setting with the fear of crime and violence against children, indeed it should be illegal. However children still hawk and work very hard to earn a living. I am all for children assisting their parents even at a young age, as long as they have adult supervision, but it’s very difficult to condone it when these children are left on their own.

Eze is sent to live with Mr Okafor, to help him in his home so Mr. Okafor can pay his fees. Mr. Okafor treats Eze as one of his children so it is fair and good. However not all children are as lucky as Eze these days. Children are still being sent to live with relatives and sometimes strangers due to poverty. A lot of these kids are not treated well and there are many cases reported almost daily of the abuse they suffer.

Reckless Driving
Eze suffers severe fractures and remains in hospital for 3 weeks after he is involved in an accident.  The driver was described as a reckless driver with no regard for traffic rules or the safety of his passengers, despite them cautioning him. Sadly, some passengers in that vehicle lost their lives in that accident.

2015, we still have a lot of reckless drivers who still have no respect for traffic safety and unfortunately lead people to early graves. Another accident due to reckless driving is mentioned in the Chinua Achebe book “Chike And The River”.

This book was written in the 1960s. This is 2015.Have things changed much?

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Newest couple BB Hotshots's Mira from Mozambique and Nigerian artiste Ketchup cant keep their hands off each other.
The tongues can't stop wagging about them as well.
Mira posted this video of the happy couple yesterday.

Just in case you missed it. here it is:)

Love indeed is a beautiful thing xx

Monday, 1 June 2015

Happy June!!

Now June is the 6th part of the year and marks the first half of a year gone. So congratulations, you are officially half way thru 2015!

All over the world, today is "Say Something Nice About Someone Day". It was a theme on my radio show ( Cool Over Night Lounge Mon-Sat 1am on Cool FM PH) and I decided to tweak it a bit, to say something nice about someone who has hurt you. This was meant to be a topic of discussion for listeners, little did I know, it would be therapy for me.

As I started speaking about the subject, I realised I had been angry at some people from my past and present. I realised that I needed to actually let go so I could feel the peace in my heart I was depriving myself of, through feelings of anger. When you are angry and the object of your anger has no clue, you are causing yourself pain. What's the damn point of torturing yourself? Moreover you have most definitely annoyed people too.

So first person I forgave on air was a teacher from secondary school I had held a grudge against for so many years. And I said something nice about him. This was on air. Immediately I felt lighter. I felt a surge of joy. And I'm thinking wow, I need to let go of more anger so this feeling can be intensified.

Some people had annoyed me quite recently. And I decided I was going to let go. And I have. Now this time I didn't say it out on air. I feel very happy. I feel free. The feeling of Joy has intensified. Because I freed myself, from anger and resentment.

I want you to feel this joy I have right now. Please let go, forgive and move past whoever has annoyed you. You should not make yourself suffer twice. I know it may not be easy for you, but make a conscious effort to say it loud and call that person"s name and tell them you forgive them. You don't need to tell them to their face. Just say. It, mean it and get rewarded with joy you can't even express in words.
You have no reason to start a new month, or a new week, or even a new day with these negative feelings lingering.

In fact a scientific research carried out by Duke University Medical Centre determined that people who quarrel
with family and friends spend more money on healthcare as they are more frequently ill than those who do not. Forgiveness is not only good for you psychologically, its also good for your health and your bank account!

You deserve to be happy.
You deserve the Joy.


Friday, 29 May 2015

It's a new dawn in Nigeria.

We have a new President - President Muhammadu Buhari , who once ruled Nigeria in a Military regime back in the 1980s. He takes over from former President Goodluck Jonathan, who ruled Nigeria as vice president and later as president after the passing of President Umaru Musa Yaradua.

Now we know alot of sectors need to be fixed in Nigeria.

In your opinion, which of these sectors must President Buhari start of working on immediately?

Pres Muhammadu Buhari

What should President Buhari work on immediately?

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

I noticed things had sort of cooled down between BB Hotshots housemtes Mira from Mozambique and Luis from Namibia.
Now Mira was very famous for her striking good looks, her kiss with another housemate and of course her love for Jameson. While Luis, well was remembered for attempting to jump over a 3 ft wall.
While they started a romance in the house, it was cut short after Mira was evicted after 1 week in the game. I don't remember much of Luis so can't recall when he was evicted. Infact Luis released a song entitled Mira, Mira on the wall which no one ever got to hear.

I had been hearing info that Luis had been hanging out with a particular not liked housemate and her sister, other sources said that sister had a thing with him. (not proven)

Enter Ketchup, Nigerian artiste who is famous for his "Show Me The Rozay" song. He has been in SA for a while now.
Boy mets girl, girl meets boy---> sparks fly :)
Sources say Mira has been cast as Ketchup's love interest in one of his videos and reliable sources say it's a steamy video.

Reliable sources say the chemistry has moved on from set and they are now an item.

Mira has not officially confirmed the relationship, but hey she doesn't need to. She says they are friends (sure) The writing is on the wall :)

They make a cute and well matched couple. We hope certain other parties stay out of this blossoming relationship

Listen to Mira's interview on the BBA Podcast here
Mira's twitter handle is @myss_kiki and Ketchup's is @iam_ketchup

Bye Bye crooked roads ;)

Monday, 25 May 2015

With all thats's been going on all over the world, i decided to dig deep and do some research on racism. I found so many articles, journals, books, podcasts and videos. Some argued racism was everywhere, others said it was a mind thing, some said both blacks and whites are racist. infact it was too much information to digest without getting emotional.

And finally when I decided I was done with the research as it was getting me depressed, i came across this video. It chronicles life as a black and a white person, and is based on actual scientific research.

Watch and be shocked.

Saturday, 23 May 2015

And the video is finally here!

Big Brother Africa Hotshots housemate, Sipe Chitambo from Malawi has dropped the video for her single "Ndalama".

Sipe, the glam queen is also a Fashion & Hair Stylist and also owns a modelling agency in her country. She was a runner up on Big Brother Africa Hotshots in December 2014, where she showcased her talent as a singer and a fashionista.
And yes, her interview for the BBA POdcast will be posted very soon :)
Her twitter handle is @sipherile_glam

Sipe, the glam queen

Watch the video below

Friday, 22 May 2015

Naija is blessed with gorgeous and of course very successful people - male and female.
With all the guys packing up the heat, we've decided to find out who Naija's Most Eligible Bachelor is. Of Course all nominees are gorgeous and very successful in their respective fields and also well, bachelors ;)

Vote Now, For Nigeria's Most Eligible Bachelor

Record Exec, Don Jazzy

Singer & Record Exec, Banky W

Recording Artiste, Lynxx

Model, Actor & Reality TV Star, Melvin Oduah

Actor, Kalu Ikeagwu

Media Boss, Noble Igwe

Who is Nigeria's Most Eligible Bachelor

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Ladies and gentlemen,
7 days ago we embarked on a quest to find Naija's best dressed celebrity.
You were asked to Vote from a pool of gorgeous Naija men ( See Poll here )

You have voted and Tayo Faniran , Model, Actor, Singer & Reality TV Star has emerged winner!!
Congratulations Tayo!

Tayo Faniran 
Your votes for your winner

Friday, 15 May 2015

About 10 years ago, there was a sort of stigma associated with online dating. it was seen as a last resort for the undesirables. However online dating has evolved to become more socially acceptable in recent times as compared to the initial perception. In fact, some people have gone on to have very happy relationships and marriages which started from the world wide web.  While online dating may refer to paying for subscriptions on dating websites, the term has also grown to include social media.

Some celebrities like Halle Berry, Charlie sheen, Orlando Bloom and Lindsey Lohan have admitted signing up to dating sites, with Orlando trying to find love on Facebook using a friend's profile picture and name. Dancing with the stars host Carrie Ann Inaba actually found her fiancee on eharmony. Actress Essence Atkins met her husband on In fact i remember reading somewhere that the founder of's girlfriend dumped him for a man she met on Oh the Irony!

Online dating is a useful dating method which could yield positive results if used wisely. Security is top of the list on the checklist for online dating.  Here are 7 ways to protect yourself;

1. Do not rush into a meeting or a relationship. Give yourself time to study the person and decide if you want to meet. Remember you are not obliged to meet if you don't want to.

2. Get verifiable details, through email before you meet. Do not use your private email.

3. Do not give out personal information. If you decide to call after communication over a reasonable time frame, ask for the phone number and hide your number while calling.

4. Make sure you meet in an open place, during the day. for your own safety. Never leave your bag (theft) or drink unattended (spiked drinks)

5. Do not give out your home address. Remember that person is still a stranger regardless of how often you talk via email or social media.

6. Always let your family/friends know who you are meeting and where you are meeting. give them a call when you are there and are with him (Heck, try to sneak in a picture of who you are meeting if you can and email to someone -okay maybe OTT but worth a shot)

7.  If the date doesn't go well, you do not have to see the person again. Don't feel pressured. Say goodbye politely and leave.

So those are & basic safety tips to protect yourself while on the hunt for love in Cyberspace.
However one rule is the the ultimate and must be done before any of the following steps even come up. It's 3 words - GOOGLE THAT PERSON.

If that person has no cyber footprint, chances are that person isn't human. See what you can find on the web about the person you are communicating with. Facebook is a good start to see if they are single or taken. Google can also tel you if they are a wanted felon. GOOGLE! :)

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

It's no secret that Naija is blessed with gorgeous men.
Also it's certainly out in the open that there are alot of very stylish men here.
Now the question is, who is Nigeria's best dressed man??
Vote Now :)

Who is Naija's best dressed male celeb?

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Welcome to THE ZIBBY SHOW - The Podcast.
This is the Eighteenth episode of the Zibby Show.

We are talking about the health crisis in west Africa due to Ebola and the Gaza situation.
In addition to all the craziness of course, there is laughter and humour.

listen, enjoy and share :)

For youtube, please click HERE

Welcome to THE ZIBBY SHOW - The Podcast.
These are the tenth & eleventh episodes of The Zibby Show.

Special guest on this episode is world renowned Grammy winning Poet & Rapper J. Ivy
He talks about his work, family and winning a grammy alongside Jay Z and KAnye West. This interview is split into two episodes 10 & 11.

listen, enjoy and share :)

For youtube please click HERE (Ep 10) and HERE
(Ep 11)

Welcome to THE ZIBBY SHOW - The Podcast.
This is the seventeenth episode of the Zibby Show.

On this episode Zibby talks about creating a fund for the families of Army personnel killed in the line of duty. She also talks about Nigerian church behaviour.
The Huge Unveiling is also done on this episode, it should not be missed.

listen, enjoy and share :)

For youtube, please click HERE

Welcome to THE ZIBBY SHOW - The Podcast.
This is the sixth episode of the Zibby Show.

Special guest on this episode is Olympic Gold medalist, AFCON winner and premiership footballer from Cameroon Patrick Suffo

listen, enjoy and share :)

For youtube, Please click HERE

Welcome to THE ZIBBY SHOW - The Podcast.
This is the sixteenth episode of the Zibby Show.

Exclusively dedicated to Zibby. Its Zibby's birthday and this is a no holds barred conversation about her.

listen, enjoy and share :)

For Youtube, Please click HERE

Welcome to THE ZIBBY SHOW - The Podcast.
This is the fifteenth episode of the Zibby Show.

We speak about the sad rise of terrorism in Nigeria.

listen, enjoy and share :)

For youtube, please click HERE

Welcome to THE ZIBBY SHOW - The Podcast.
This is the first episode of the Zibby Show.

We talk about the Immigration Service exam, which became a massacre leading to the death of about 15 people.

listen, enjoy and share :)

For youtube, please click HERE

Welcome to THE ZIBBY SHOW - The Podcast.
This is the thirteenth episode of the Zibby Show.

Episode is about the alleged Obesere rape scandal, motivation and a dissection of Alexander Mccall Smith's book.

listen, enjoy and share :)

For youtube, please click HERE

Welcome to THE ZIBBY SHOW - The Podcast.
This is the twelfth episode of the Zibby Show.

We talk about the Nigerian Centenary and all th drama that comes along with it.

listen, enjoy and share :)

For youtube, Please click HERE

Welcome to THE ZIBBY SHOW - The Podcast.
This is the ninth episode of the Zibby Show.

A very special announcement is unveiled on this episode, also an indepth analysis of Chimamanda Adichie's Americanah and valentines day shout outs.

listen, enjoy and share :)

For Youtube, please click HERE

Welcome to THE ZIBBY SHOW - The Podcast.
This is the eigth episode of the Zibby Show.

This episode is about Western influences on Nigerian Social behaviour.

listen, enjoy and share :)

For Youtube, Please click HERE

Welcome to THE ZIBBY SHOW - The Podcast.
This is the Seventh episode of the Zibby Show.

Zibby talks about the Nigerian New year!

listen, enjoy and share :)

Welcome to THE ZIBBY SHOW - The Podcast.
This is the fifth episode of the Zibby Show.

Zibby has a chat with Nigerin citizens who share their views on the stat of the nation's affairs.

listen, enjoy and share :)

For Youtube, please click HERE

Welcome to THE ZIBBY SHOW - The Podcast.
This is the third episode of the Zibby Show.

On this episode, i speak to Melvin Oduah, reality TV star, model and actor .

listen, enjoy and share :)

For Youtube, Please click HERE

Welcome to THE ZIBBY SHOW - The Podcast.
This is the second episode of the Zibby Show.

On this episode, i answer questions people had on the origins and motives of The Zibby Show.

listen, enjoy and share :)

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Hey guys!

Welcome to THE ZIBBY SHOW - The Podcast.
This is the first episode of the Zibby Show.

Special guest on this episode is world renowned Composer and flautist Tee Mac Iseli.

listen, enjoy and share :)

For YOUTUBE, please click HERE

Today is a remarkable day in Nigerian history, as voters go to the polls to decide who will be the next leader of our great country.
While we pray for peace during and after the elections, its always a good idea to be security conscious.
I have compiled this list as a guide to staying safe during this election and subsequent elections. Please have this on your smartphones, print and pass along via word of mouth to others who many not have access to the internet.

Regardless of your political affiliation, your safety is a priority.

1.Leave for polling stations early. Most registered voters opted for locations close to their homes. pease go with the things you need, do not carry large bags to avoid suspicion.

2. Ensure you have some refreshment and water to avoid dehydration. dress comfortably.

3. When you arrive at polling stations, please be orderly. join the queue and do not cut the lines.

4. Do not argue with security officials. Ask questions politely if clarification is needed.

5. Do not engage in any form of political debates or discussion with anyone. While you may have your opinions, please keep them to yourself.

6. Survey your location. Identify possible alternate exit routes.

7. Always be alert. At any sense of disturbance, please move away as quickly as possible.

8. Ensure you have airtime on your phone, for easy communication and in the case of need to call for help.

9. Avoid taking pictures and videos. Professional pressmen are there to do the reporting. If you must take a picture, ensure you have permission and clearance from security officials to do so.

10. if you are going with friends/family, ensure you have a meeting spot where you have arranged to meet after voting. This is to ensure you are al aware of everyone's location.

11. Please do not loiter. Cast your vote and leave immediately to avoid crowding. There are professional monitoring teams to monitor. You can monitor results and updates from your home, via TV & Radio.

12. Please listen and obey instructions from INEC officials and security agents.

Please share.

@ZibbyJ @zibbyshow

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Muna Obiekwe.

First time i saw Muna Obiekwe was in a movie entitled "Not Man Enough". He was in the movie along side Genevieve Nnaji (his crush) Emeka Ike (his cousin) and Lillian Bach (Spoiled rich brat)
He was the good but shy guy who was in love with Genevieve, she didnt care about him but liked his cousin, the serial womaniser played by Emeka Ike. The story line seemed to be directly drawn from the 1980s American flick "The Last American Virgin".

Seeing Muna as the good guy, deserate for love and yet getting rebuffed was the moment that sealed my love for him. He gave a stellar performance and i remember talking about him to everyone who cared to listen. Then i discovered a girl i knew had the same love for Miuna and we would talk aqbout him for hours. She recommended i see "He lives in Me" (alongside Genevieve NNaji, Emeka Enyiocha, Vitalis Ndubisi)

This time he played a man who may or may not be a ghost, and is trapped between realms. The chemistry with Genevieve was so intense, i stikk watch that movie till date. (i have it on one of my laptops) This double sealed the love i had for Muna and his amazing acting skills. Infact i remember having a chat with a girl who lived in Enugu, i immediately asked her if she knew Muna. She probably thought i was crazy.

Eagles bride, another wonderful movie he did. I would look out for his face on a movie poster before i would bother to watchj it. And then there was a decline....
After Muna starred in a movie with a questionable story line entitled "Dirty secrets", i began to wonder why he would take on such a role that could potentially affect his career negatively.. indeed it did. He starte appearing in stereotyped movie roles as either gay, or a dupe or frolicking with aristo girls. those are my least fav kind of movies and in fact with "Dirty secrets", i stopped watching after the first scene.

I remember seeing Muna Obiekwe's twitter handle years ago and i tweeted at him telling him how much i lived him in he Lives in Me. i was so thrilled when he RT it. fact i often tweeted how i missed Muna Obiekwe pre dirty secrets. Years later we all realised it was an impostor and sadly Muna Obiekwe was gone.

Muna Obiekwe was such a refined actor. i always saw him as the good guy next door, the calm guy, the perfect gentleman. the dude with the sleepy eye but very strong voice. A great actor who got boxed in due to Nollywood stereotyping him in a negative way. I hear his voice right now in my head. Muna Obiekwe, so young, so talented. so much to give to the world.

I will not bother talking about the circumstances that led to his sad demise, as this is a tribute from a fan. a fan who loved him and watched him grow over the years. A fan who appreciated his craft. The major challenge i faced writting this was getting a picture of Muna, lets just say there are very unpleasant pictures all over the web. I will keep the image of Muna i like best in my head. It's from "Not Man Enough" and he tilts his head to the side and says to Lillian Bach "what' cha looking at?"

I;ll sign off with my favorite Muna Obiekwe line from a movie. It's from "He Lives In Me". He tells Genevieve at the book store, "My first name is Greg, my middle name is Victor. I call myself Victor because i believe i am Victorious".

Yes Muna, you are victorious. Over pain, illness, and indeed over death.
You are indeed a Victor!

Twitter : @ZibbyJ @zibbyshow

Saturday, 28 February 2015

Scene 1: Beautiful young 18 year old makes an appearnace at Hollyowood's biggest event, loking gorgeous and wearing her hair in locks. Stunning.

Scene 2: Hateful woman on a TV show panel mocks this successful young lady (singer, actress & dancer) makes fun of young lady and says her hair dreadlocks probably smell of patchouli and marijuana.

Scene 3: Huge outrage at hateful woman's comments, hateful woman tweets at successful with a half apology, implying successful young woman should not be angry about it, as its nothing.

Scene 4: Successful young woman releases a statement condenming Hateful woman's comments.Massive support for succesful young woman, especially from the black community. Ironically the black community had ganged up on successful young lady last year, because she was cast in the Aaliyah biopic. Reasons ranged from she was not dark enough, her father is African, She has Eyropean roots bla bla. All this is forgotten or at least swept under the rug. Everyone loves her again. All is well.

Scene 5: Hateful woman's co-host who is the foul mouthed Brit and coincidentally a friend of successful young lady speaks against hateful woman. Asking her to apologise. She questions whether she wants to continue on the show. While foul mouthed brit has made mean comments about others on the show, watching it being done to successful young lady, a close friend has got her thinking. Maybe conversations with successful lady in the aftermath of events. Maybe some comments made off air by hateful woman & others. She is thinking really hard.

Scene 6: TV show reeases a statement saying Foul mouthed brit is leaving the show (fired or resigned- we'll never know). Huge uproar. People have turned on Foul mouthed brit, because she didn't stick with hateful woman and her colleagues, but sided with her friend the successful young woman.

Final Scene: (In conclusion)
1. Humans are so fickle. Make up your mind whom you are mad at already. The villian has somehow become the victim. Amazing!
2. I want a friend like foul mouthed brit. Who will stick by a friend. And stand up for what she believes in.
3. Be careful what you say. Your words are powerful. They can build or destroy.
4. Foul mouthed brit just got a new fan- me.
5. And yes, I love successful youbg lady. Followed her career for years and the only place she is heading is...the top! Locks or Not.

Twitter : @ZibbyJ

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Many years ago, Saint Valentine was executed by the Romans, because he defied orders and continued to marry couples the christ way. After his death, a date was set aside to honor this man, who gave his life up for love, well in a sense. Somehow it became all about couple's love and St Valentine was forgotten. And then it moved on to be about love for family & friends. And now its all about love for money, yes. Thank you Evolution!

I was having a chat with my friend KO, and he pointed out to me how the day had become all about money. Buy this for valentines, go here for dinner, get this discount and bla bla. I realized Val's day had been commercialized a bit too much like other holidays have - Christmas, Easter etc. I think if we think back to the origins of Val's day, there indeed is a huge gap.

That being said, I think its a nice idea to take time out to show your love to your family, partner, friends - everyone around you. If you can add a little extra - that's awesome. Of course a lot of people are going to be disappointed (especially the couples) in the gifts they give or receive, the restaurants or maybe even the movies they see.

I think my Ideal Valentines day, would be sitting in front of my TV, working on my laptop and chatting on whatsapp (yes simultaneously) To me, its just a regular day. To live my life and do what I do every other day - live, work & show love to the people around me the way I can.

Actually, I've never given anyone a Valentine's day gift.I've happily accepted gifts tho.When I buy val gifts,I change my mind at the last second and save the gifts as presents for birthdays.

What would your ideal Valentines day be like?

Twitter: @ZibbyJ @Zibbyshow

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Many times I have wondered, what is the story behind this person?,what is the reason for this situation? Sometimes I have let myself make up a story just to sate my curious desire, sometimes I have been forced to face the person and ask for reasons I have no business knowing about, but I can't help it, not in anyway I know.

So as I sit at the Village Square watching the people celebrate I begin to wonder again what is the reason behind the twist in the turn of the dancer? The wisdom in the mind of the wise man everyone is looking up to? The passion of the embolden king and kings men?

I moved on with no answers but still never stopped guessing, as I sat in the bus and looked at everyone I wonder again what is the reason for the twinkle in the eye of that happy girl holding a doll, the flash in the smile of that glad beggar, the grimace on the face of the saddened mother looking at the stocks in front of her without hope of selling much, the fire in the soul of the madman who is half naked....

I still didn't get my answer, I closed my eyes to stop my soul from searching for more answers but as I went on my questions grew the more!
What is the reason behind the......

Tears of all those who have cried.
The step of each foot that still marches.
The hand given freely to shake.
The regret of he who hath squandered. The creations of all those who make.

The whisper in the words softly spoken. The chill in the spine of the scared. The gifts that are given as tokens. The courage of those that have dared.

The challenge that lay there before us. The hurt in a heart that once loved. The sound of a heavenly chorus. The push in the back of the shoved.

The thoughts of the pre planning thinker. The day that has yet to come. The lie, bought and sold hook, line and sinker. The passage of all those now gone.

The freedom that's paid with a steep price. That costs so much more than gold.
These REASONS should all make us think twice. Or else granted power shall become uncontrollable.

Let the mighty one fear tomorrow, Let them heed the demands and needs of the poor. Let them see that to serve is a privilege. Let them re find their humanity.

Sit not idle in the face of injustice. Sit not quietly accepting greed. Sit not placid while a storm rages onward Destroying what we're meant to be.

Stand for all of the fallen. Stand up to that which appals. Stand tall for all of the lowly. Answer your conscience's call.

Let these REASONS trigger so much...
Live for those who are dying. Live for those yet to come. Live with a love for the living. Until your last day is done.
And so I ask one final question....
what is the reason behind our living today? Anyone with the answer?..

By Awe, Damilare Hannah
Twitter : @acoustichannah

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

If you follow me on Social Media, chances are you are aware of all the positive change I've been experiencing :) Tremendous growth in my personal & professional life, Best part so far is landing my dream job. With great excitement and happiness and of course more work, lurks the factor which we wish we never have to see - illness.
Yes, living in a stressful society with air, noise and generally environmental pollution, add intense heat, shaky power supply, skipped meals & pesky little creatures buzzing around, you have the recipe for illness.

I have headaches a lot of the time, and when I'm particularly grumpy chances are my head is banging. But I'm opposed to taking medication as I'm worried about dependency on them. So I learned to live & function with the headaches. Late last year after extensive research, I came up with alternative natural remedies to fight headaches. Since I started on them this year, I'm glad to say I've barely had any.

However Malaria has dawned its ugly head again. And this time I'm wondering - Herbal, Natural or Western? I don't know the dictionary definitions but I describe natural as treatments which do not require any ingestion of any special formula (Herbal or western) I believe Herbal and Western are self explanatory.

I'm wary of western meds and doubly wary of herbal meds. I remember once as a child, my grandma force fed us a mixture of bitter leaf + stout (I think) and it was totally horrible. That's my only experience with herbal treatments. People say herbal treatments are good and indeed a lot of western meds are derived from herbs and trees. However I seem to have more faith in western meds as I am certain doses are refined and not too concentrated. Also less chances of an unwanted compound slipping in.

After struggling for a few days, I finally gave in went to hospital and got western malaria meds. I however wish, there was an alternate natural remedy for the cure of malaria. I drank a lot of water, had fruits, tried to rest a bit more, avoided oily foods. But I didn't start feeling better till I got the western meds.

So the question is, how do you find the balance between these methods of treatment? Which would you advocate for? Are they all equally effective?

Twitter : @ZibbyJ

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

With the shocking news about Bobbi Kristina, its just brought back alot of memories of what celebrity kids go through daily in the press.
Bobbi Kristina, 22 was found unresponsive in a bathtub at her home and was whisked off to hospital. Reports indicate she has been placed in a medically induced coma to relive pressure from her brain.
It is indeed a sad incident, as i believe Bobbi Kristina has been through alot in her short life. Born to Whitney Houston one of the most popular singers in the world, and Bobby Brown also known a very popular singer and (un)reformed bad boy, thats certainly alot of pressure.

Living with parents who had a stormy marriage with a mix of allegations of physical abuse, drugs, financial instability and infidelity, that's a recipe for disaster. Whitney's tragic death also could not have been easy for Bobbi Kristina. i know all mothers love their children, but there was such a deep bond between both of them. With the press hounding her continously after Whitney's passing, especially on the "incest issue", her life all of a sudden had become a re-enactment of her mothers. Her husband, who Whitney took as a son was never legally adopted. I don't see anything wrong if Bobbi Kristina turned to someone she trusted for comfort rather than risk being with an opportunist.

At the end of the day, she is a young child whose life and struggles was suddenly splashed out onto the pages of tabloids, including her battles in er family which were definitely not helped by the Whitney biopic movie (which i must add, the Houston family were totally against) Currently, no evidence of drugs have been found to be involved in the sad incident.

I remember an awards ceremony in the 90s, where Whitney had won an award. Her date to the even was her daughter Bobbi Kristina, co-incidentally it was her 5th birthday. Whitney's acceptance speech was a happy birthday song to her daughter in typical Whitney style, with the mini Bobby Brown, watching shyly from her seat with all cameras on her. It was a beautiful moment. You could feel the love Whitney had for her daughter.

While alot of us are hoping Bobbi Kristina pulls through this, to some people in the media its business as usual. I truly hope we can give the family some space to get through this terrible time. It reminds me of all the attention on Michael jackson's kids which resulted in Paris trying to kill herself. While we are fascinated by the lives of these young rich kids, we should also remember, at the end of the day, they are still children.

Here is wishing Bobbi Kristina a speedy recovery. And please say a prayer if you can.

What do you think?

Pls follow on twitter @ZibbyJ and like us on facebook

Monday, 12 January 2015

Happy New Year guys!

Its the 12th day of January and i feel like i want to still be walking around with a Santa Hat hahaha. Sadly i cant, cos im back to work. I mean, a girl has got to eat :) Aaaargh, i cant wait to get rich, retire and live a life of luxury and never have to work again! Okay, even when i get all that, chances are i'll keep on working -very hard too :D

The interviews with Sipe and Sheillah from #BBHotShots will be up soon. Fun interviews, you do not want to miss me )

Oh and The Zibby Show website is going to have a facelift soon, infact she is currently under the knife right now, being worked on by some very capable and professional web surgeons :) Stay tuned for this :)

The Zibby Show finally has a co-host (YAY- the unveiling will be done soon) but we've decided to add 2 more co-hosts on a part time basis. Don't forget to indicate your interest :)

Don't forget to keep in touch with me.

Twitter: @ZibbyJ @zibbyshow
Email: zibbyshow AT gmail DOT com
Instagram: coming VERY soon ;)
Telephone: On request :)


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Hiya, im Zibby and this is a brief intro about me :)

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