Monday, 30 July 2018

This weekend was really very busy for me. Weekends are definitely not fore resting, they are for everything else.
For sme reason, we get so caught up with work and everything else that we trul only have the weekend for our ourselves.
Now Saturday comes rolling by and we realise that every thing we had to do from Monday to friday which we skipped, we hve to get it done on this one day!!
In my case i have to work on Saturdays as well, so aaaaargh!!

I'm off work on fridays, but i have a video podcast about food, so i had to cook, shoot a video while cooking, edit and of course upload. And thanks to tortoise like internet, it was a long battle!!
And then i immediately had to get to the salon to get my hair done. After my hair, i had to write the script for my weekly audio podcast Inside Naija Radio, which gets a new episode every sunday.

Woke up early saturday and had to cook and clean (as a dutiful child) And then i had to head to work. Did i tell you i was hosting an event right after work on Saturday night? So i had to get proper dressed with makeup and all to leave the house, i never do that on Saturdays but with a post wrk event, i had to.
 After work, 7pm i had to get an uber to the venue. Yes, my driver wasnt working on Saturday - he asked for permission saying he had to take his child to write Common Entrance exams. Just my luck!
got back home at about 11pm with my friend Adaora from the event and got into bed at midnight. Up at 4am and I'm tossing and turning.

Make breakfast and we head to church, Back from church i have a quick meal and i start to edit a previous interview for my podcast. And i fall asleep! i wake up when my mum comes in y room and i look at the time and realise ive managed to sleep for  a whole 25 minutes. Great!!

Mummy wants me to make moi-moi so im back to the kitchen to start washing, blending and wrapping foil. Afger that dinner, reading and back to the kitchen to wash dishes.
Spend hours talking with my graphics person, alot of back and forth. I'm designing alot for my side hustle - my janitorial company - Grime Squad Janitors.
bed at 11pm - Tomi Adeyemi's book is just too good to put down.

Bed before midnight, i rememebr looking at the time at 11:35pm. wake up at 4, tossing and turning.

Get ready for work. Get to work, Get back home with my colleague Bukola. We have a great lucnh and talk for hours.
Record a new episode for my audio podcast, with my friend KO.I edit. Uploas at 8:35pm.typing this right now, Time is 9;12pm.
I should go to bed.
But Tomi Adeyemi's book awaits.i am so tired, i should sleep.but i cant, not yet.

Excuse the typos! I'm bloody tired!!

So, how was your weekend?

Social media has become an integral part of broadcasting. What are the impacts of massive social media following on traditional radio? Are there threats? further opportunities?

On this episode, i have a Co-host! King K.O. On Air Personality, Rapper and Vlogger from Cool FM 95.9 Port Harcourt talks about using social media to reach people in other countries. Boosting posts on social media and whether or not Buying followers is the real deal.

Can traditional radio survive the threat of social media?

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For Tune IN (all OS) please click here HERE
For YouTube, please click HERE

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Hiya, im Zibby and this is a brief intro about me :)

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