Friday, 23 September 2016

I'm bursting with joy right now.
I'm so excited and it's finally the right time to share this.
I've been planning a spin-off podcast from my parent show, Yhe ZIBBY Show but somehow it's being very difficult. Finding the right time, resources and everything has been absolutely crazy.
Finally I've decided to make time for myself and my passions and yes, it is here finally!
A brand new podcast called "Nigeria, Untold"

Sadly over the last 10 maybe 15 years or so, Nigeria has been represented terribly in the world media. And the world seems to have forgotten the amazing Nigerians who have done so much for themselves and the society in so many ways.

This show is about Nigeria and Nigerians. The great nation which I call home. The Nation that has given me so many amazing people to look up to. People who have paved the way for us. It's time to make them proud, like our anthem says "the labour of our heroes past shall never be in vain".

We will shove it in the worlds face that Nigeria and Nigerians are great.

Nigeria, Untold launches on Saturday 1st October, 2016. It is a weekly podcast and will be broadcast every Sunday after the launch.

Please join the countdown and support Nigeria, Untold by spreading the word to your family. Friends and even your haters.

Thank you for your continued support.

Twitter: @ZibbyJ   @zzibbyshow
YouTube: zibbyshow
IG: countess_zibby


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Hiya, im Zibby and this is a brief intro about me :)

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